Ayurveda is the ancient science of healing and wellness from the Indian subcontinent. It shows us a path for tuning into our innate rhythms, in order to live from a place of wisdom. The power of Ayurveda comes from the fact that it approaches healing as a
bio-psycho-spiritual science and that it empowers each and every one of us to take charge of our own healing journey.

Different ways for you to engage with Ayurveda
ayurveda & food
Learn to cook the Ayurvedic way - creating mouthwatering dishes while understanding proper food combinations, the medicinal properties of herbs and spices, the importance and timing and routine as it relates to food and ways to get the most out of your meals by making sure they're well digested and suited to your individual constitution or dosha

postpartum care
It is said that the first forty-two days postpartum can shape the next forty-two years of the mother’s health! With a treasure chest of remedies including regular oil massages, belly binding, herbal formulations and dietary plus lifestyle recommendations, Ayurveda helps restore the strength and vigor during this critical postpartum stage in a woman's life.

about rashee
I started Naivedya to share my passion for living the Ayurvedic way. Besides being a time-tested way of life, in that it is a 5000-year old tradition, it is also a tried and tested way of life for me in a very personal sense. Ayurveda, along with its sister sciences of yoga and pranayama, has been my path to vigor and well-being for the last 3 decades.
I was fortunate to have been born and brought up in India where living Ayurvedically is woven into the fabric of how we heal. With that foundation, when I started my own kitchen I found myself turning to food, herbs and spices as the first, and often times only, line of defense against all that ails. I have since studied Ayurvedic nutrition, been trained as an Ayurvedic Practitioner and panchakarma specialist. I now live in beautiful San Diego with my family of two-legged and four-legged creatures and find great fulfillment in creating individualized wellness plans for my clients integrating food, plant medicine, lifestyle choices and Ayurvedic bodywork.
Ayurveda teaches us that all physical phenomena is made up of the five sacred elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. These come together in varying combinations to create the beautiful diversity of life and the uniqueness of each individual. How we increase or pacify the elements within us is central to how we heal in Ayurveda. Food and lifestyle choices are a basic and profound tool we all have access to, that have the power to influence the interplay of the elements within us.
Naivedya is the Sanskrit word for "an offering to the divine". With this at heart, I hope to engage you in the Ayurvedic way of being, breathing and living.